Public Health Professional

4 Things to Consider for Workplace Safety by Martin Lloyd Sanders

4 Things to Consider for Workplace Safety by Martin Lloyd Sanders

Business owners and employers are responsible for the safety of their employees. It doesn’t matter if you have five, 50, or 500 people in your employ; you have to keep them safe every hour spent working for you. As a strong advocate for public health and safety, Martin Lloyd Sanders laments that a lot of workplace-related injuries and accidental deaths could have been prevented had employers taken the time and made the effort to make the workplace as safe and secure as possible for everyone.

In his experience as Director of Safety, Emergency, and Environmental Compliance for the FOH/PSC, the most common factor that has put workers’ safety at risk is neglect. So here in this post, Martin Lloyd Sanders would like to share some notes/tips on how to keep employees safe in the workplace or while they’re on the clock:

1. Check for safety hazards

You might be surprised at how something so obvious can be the very first thing that most employers neglect: checking for the safety of the working environment. Usually, what happens is that they rely on the initial safety checks done while the office was being prepared for occupancy or while the structure was still in the building stages. Unfortunately, a lot of changes can occur as time goes on, from bringing in new equipment to deterioration of office furniture and such because of natural wear and tear. As these changes occur, a reevaluation of safety risks and hazards should be performed, says Martin Lloyd Sanders.

2. Conduct regular health and safety training

In relation to the above, employers should require all new employees to undergo a basic health and safety training, and all employees to undergo advanced health and safety training to update tips, techniques, and information as necessary. This should also be required prior to using a new piece of equipment or product.

Part of this training should also be showing employees where all the safety/emergency exits are, where the fire extinguishers are (and how to properly use them), and what to do during emergencies.

3. Conduct behavioral/psychological assessments

Mental health issues could put employees at risk. Sadly, violence against co-workers and employers has become common, and in worst-case scenarios, these have led to deaths. This is why it’s important to conduct regular behavioral and psychological assessments. Employers need to also be aware of their employees’ behaviors and learn how to recognize red flags, suggests Martin Lloyd Sanders.

4. Self-defense training

Consider having your employees trained for self-defense. You can ask an expert in and train employees on a few techniques, or you can also simply suggest it and make recommendations on where they can learn self-defense. But to make it effective and to encourage everyone, it’s best to take the initiative and not only have everyone trained but join the training as well.

Disclaimer: This article was prepared by Martin L. Sanders in his personal capacity. The opinions expressed are the author’s own and do not reflect the views of the USPHS, the Department of Health and Human Services, or the United States government.


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