Public Health Professional


Health and Safety: Best practices when working remotely

Health and Safety: Best practices when working remotely

Best Practices for Staying Safe and Healthy Captain Martin Lloyd Sanders is focused on the health and safety of people on the occupational and public levels. Over the past few years, he’s shared valuable insight on these subjects through various platforms. This article discusses some […]

COVID-19: How Can a Person Be Safe When Using Public Transportation?

COVID-19: How Can a Person Be Safe When Using Public Transportation?

The coronavirus pandemic has changed people’s routines.  As many places went into lockdown during the early months of the global health crisis, the operations of establishments and public transportation also became limited.  With more cities now reopening, authorities and governments are encouraging the public to […]

What Travelers Can Expect in the Time of COVID-19

What Travelers Can Expect in the Time of COVID-19

It’s been almost eight months since COVID-19 started to take over the world, and in such a period, millions of people have fallen ill, with countless succumbing to the deadly virus.  However, humanity has not lost hope and continues to fight back.  The governments of […]

Continuing to Live in the Time of the Coronavirus: Home Safety Tips

Continuing to Live in the Time of the Coronavirus: Home Safety Tips

Captain Martin Lloyd Sanders always puts a primer on safety.  He has certifications and is highly-trained when it comes to the subject.  Be it in the workplace setting or anywhere else, Martin Lloyd Sanders has always studied areas and people who stay in them, to look for […]

Post-COVID Best Practices

Post-COVID Best Practices

As the Director for Safety, Environmental Compliance and Emergency Management in Federal Occupational Health (FOH/PSC), Martin Lloyd Sanders Gives Advice on Moving Foward from COVOD-19. Today, Martin Lloyd Sanders would like to share his thoughts on best practices moving forward into the new post COVID-19 world:   […]

Surviving the COVID-19 pandemic:  Why social distancing works

Surviving the COVID-19 pandemic: Why social distancing works

After surpassing Italy in terms of having the most number of deaths from COVID-19, the U.S. now leads the world in fatalities caused by the novel coronavirus.  While the past can no longer be changed, there is still a chance to flatten the curve, as […]

How does the coronavirus spread?

How does the coronavirus spread?

Most people may not have experienced a pandemic quite like COVID-19.  There have been a few health scares over the years, including SARS and swine flu, but none of those could have prepared the world for what it is experiencing today.  This is why public […]

Stay safe: Smart ways to disinfect food and other essentials

Stay safe: Smart ways to disinfect food and other essentials

The world is experiencing a health crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  The majority of states in the U.S., along with other countries, have stay-at-home directives to “flatten the curve” or to slow down the number of cases.  Captain Martin Lloyd Sanders, Ph.D., CSP, an […]

Martin Lloyd Sanders | United States Army | Awards and Honors

Martin Lloyd Sanders | United States Army | Awards and Honors

Capt Martin Lloyd Sanders is a US Army veteran who served in various capacities, most notable of which are Chief for Biological Threat Assessment and Chief Intelligence Officer for the 520th Theater Army Medical Laboratory. He currently serves as Chief Scientist Officer (Commissioned Corps) for […]

Martin Lloyd Sanders | United States Public Health Service | Commissioned Corps

Martin Lloyd Sanders | United States Public Health Service | Commissioned Corps

Capt Martin Lloyd Sanders was appointed by the Surgeon General of the United States as Chief Scientist for the United States Public Health Service (USPHS). In his words, Capt Sanders briefly shares his responsibilities as such: “As Chief Scientist for the USPHS, I am responsible […]